SIM CARD CITA has been active in the ambit of mobile communication since 2011. The place of business of SIM CARD CITA is set on Gran Canaria, and the customer office is located in the first floor of C.C. Cita. The Internet has become an inherent part in our lives, as in holidays and trips. Regarding Spain, the tariffs are not always clearly understandable. Our Philosophy ist to bring the customer a clear offer, and to make the purchase easier trough a personal customer service. The services we provide include the complete service of Telephony- and Internet-Use in the area of Prepaid SIM cards, as well as the sale of needed provider free Hardware, such as a mobile Router.
Thanks to our place of business on the Canary Islands, there is only a 7% of IGIC (valueadded-tax on Canary Islands), regarding the usual 21% on the spanish Mainland. Of course we will grant you this priced advantage. So, if you are planning your next stay on the Canary Islands or in any other spanish place, we´d love to advice you.